“The diversification of our economies and industrialisation will ultimately put the region on its rightful path as a global economic player,” said President Jacob Zuma, who is also the chair of the SADC regional bloc, on Tuesday. [Read more…]
Benefit from economic pact with EU
South Africa stands to benefit from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries have negotiated with the European Union (EU), says Trade and Industry Minister Dr Rob Davies. [Read more…]
SADC urged to integrate energy structures
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) member countries should look into ways of integrating energy structures in order to reduce the cost of energy resources, Energy Minister Dipuo Peters says. “We are of the view that SADC structures on energy should be integrated and mobilized. This is necessary because of the growing evidence that separate […]
SADC urged to integrate energy structures is a post from: GlobalBuzz SA