Tag: Business

ECDC loan turns around business

ECDC loan turns around the fortunes of a local business. An R800 000 Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) loan has helped to turn around the fortunes of a local filling station. The Mtembu family’s Caltex filing station...

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DTI moots small business census

Cape Town – The Department of Trade and Industry wants to run a regular small business census to help improve its support and funding to the sector as part of a revised policy to boost support to small businesses. Briefing the...

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SA open for business

Pretoria – South Africa has enormous potential as an investment destination that offers promising opportunities in automotive components, aerospace, chemicals and agro-processing, says Trade and Investment Minister Rob...

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Stop fighting, Zuma tells business

  Pretoria – President Jacob Zuma has called for an end to the squabbles that have led to noticeable divisions within the country’s business sector following a decision recently by the Black Management Forum to cut...

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EU Can Help Irish Business

Research and innovation, involving collaboration between businesses and knowledge providers, and utilising EU funding, is one of the motors that will drive sustainable development in Ireland. This was the clear message given by...

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